


  Typical Exam Day Schedule(典型的考试日表)

  Once the Exam doors have closed, for the morning or afternoon session, candidates are not allowed to enter and sit for the Exam. There are no exceptions to this rule.


  FRM Exam Part I Session(FRM考试第一部分)

  7:00 am Candidates may begin to check in(上午7:00考生可以开始办理登记手续)

  7:45 am Doors close promptly. No late candidate will be permitted to enter.(早上7:45大门马上关上。不准迟到的考生进入。)

  7:46 am Once the doors have closed, the Exam is distributed and Exam instructions are read.(早上7:46门一关上,开始发放考试卷并阅读考试说明。)

  8:00 am Exam begins(早上8点开始考试)

  8:30 am 3.5 hours remaining announcement is made(上午8:30通知剩余3.5小时)

  9:00 am 3 hours remaining announcement is made(上午9:00通知剩余3小时)

  9:30 am 2.5 hours remaining announcement is made(上午9:30通知剩下2.5小时)

  10:00 am 2 hours remaining announcement is made(上午10:00通知剩余2小时)

  10:30 am 1.5 hours remaining announcement is made(上午10:30通知还剩1.5小时)

  11:00 am 1 hour remaining announcement is made(上午11:00通知剩余1小时)

  11:30 am 30 minutes remaining announcement is made(上午11:30通知还剩30分钟)

  11:55 am 5 minutes remaining announcement is made(上午11:55通知还剩5分钟)

  12:00 pm Exam is over, materials are collected, and candidates are released.(中午12点考试结束,材料将被收集,考生被释放。)

  FRM Exam Part II Session(FRM考试第二部分)

  1:00 pm Candidates may begin to check in(下午1:00考生可以开始办理登记手续)

  1:45 pm Doors close promptly. No late candidate will be permitted to enter.(下午1点45分,门马上关上。不准迟到的候选人进入。)

  1:46 pm Once the doors have closed, the Exam is distributed and Exam instructions are read.(下午1:46门一关上,就分发考试,并阅读考试说明。)

  2:00 pm Exam begins(下午2点开始考试)

  2:30 pm 3.5 hours remaining announcement is made(下午2:30通知还剩3.5小时)

  3:00 pm 3 hours remaining announcement is made(下午3:00通知发布3小时)

  3:30 pm 2.5 hours remaining announcement is made(下午3:30通知还剩2.5小时)

  4:00 pm 2 hours remaining announcement is made(下午4:00通知剩余2小时)

  4:30 pm 1.5 hours remaining announcement is made(下午4:30通知还剩1.5小时)

  5:00 pm 1 hour remaining announcement is made(下午5:00通知还剩1小时)

  5:30 pm 30 minutes remaining announcement is made(下午5:30通知剩余30分钟)

  5:55 pm 5 minutes remaining announcement is made(下午5:55通知还剩5分钟)

  6:00 pm Exam is over, materials are collected, and candidates are released.(下午6:00考试结束,材料将被收集,考生被释放。)

  Note: Some Exam sites may have a different start time. Please be sure to check your admission ticket.



  • 24年5月11日-17日是FRM一级考试时间
  • 24年5月18日-22日是FRM二级考试时间
  • 23年12月1日:FRM23年5月FRM考试【早鸟价报名阶段】开始
  • 24年2月1日:FRM23年5月FRM考试【标准价报名阶段】开始
  • 24年4月21日:FRM23年5月FRM考试【考位选择】截止